Master everything from Trend trading to Directional trading
Level 1 — Beginner
(Access to our unlimited Trading with DiNapoli Levels on-line beginner class at 1,000 Baht)
Judgmental Trading Technique
Uncover the structure of both trending vs trading range markets and how to apply time frame selection method.
Trend/ Direction/ Movement
Learn why Trend/Direction/Movement are different using Lagging and Leading Indicators techniques
Trend Analysis (Displaced Moving Averages)
Learn concept of DiNapoli Trend Indicators- DMA 3X3, 7X5, and 25X5,
Trend Analysis (MACD/Stochastic Combination)
Building your context and start trading with MACD & Stochastic Combination
Level 2 — Intermediate
(Access to our unlimited Trading with DiNapoli Levels on-line intermediate class at 1,000 Baht)
Entry/Exit/Re-Entry Strategy: Overbought & Oversold Oscillator
How to spot high possibility of entry, exit, and re-entry with Leading Overbought Oversold Indicator-Oscillator Predictor.
Leading Indicators: Fibonacci vs DiNapoli Levels
Explore details of Leading Support & Resistance Indicators- DiNapoli Levels and learn differences between Fibonacci and DiNapoli Levels
DiNapoli Levels (TM): Confluence/Agreement/LPO’s
Learn the essentials of integrating retracement & expansion to spot Logical Price Objectives (LPO’s) that make yours all your trades difference from the crowds.
DiNapoli Levels (TM): Multiple Focus Numbers & Market Swings
In Depth analysis of market structure to find Leading Support & Resistance-DiNapoli Levels using Multiple Focus Numbers & Market Swing
Level 3 — Advanced
(Access to our unlimited Trading with DiNapoli Levels on-line advanced class at 1,000 Baht)
Directional Patterns 1/2/3
Discover first 3 most powerful directional patterns, Single Penetration, Double RePO and DRPOF
Directional Patterns 4/5/6
Trade against the crowds with Pattern Failures, Fading Popularity and RRT.
MACD Predictors (TM)
Build you trend trading plan with most advanced leading trend indicators-MACD Predictors. You can tell when the trend will be changed ahead of time.
Directional Patterns 7/8/9
Flexible patterns with Look-ALikes, Find ending move with STRETCH and guage the manipulation with FibSquat.
Level 4 — Expert
(This class only opened for Trading with DiNapoli Levels private seminar by DiNapoli Expert)
Advanced DiNapoli Levels
Practice the best techniques for spotting accurate leading supports and resistances with Confluence (K) Agreement (A) from Hidden D-Levels.
Logical Price Objectives (LPOs)
Learn all the techniques of combining market context with leading indicators to perfect your next trade.
Advanced LeadingTrading Plans
An in-depth course on making your own trading plans combining Trend Analysis with Directional Analysis reflecting the changable Market Context.
D-Levels Entry/Exit Tactics
Explore the detailed techniques to entry and exit the trades that fit your trading plan.
Trading with DiNapoli Levels
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to be a professional trader. Maybe you want to start planning for your retirement with consistence income from trading.